Sights & Sounds
- Cute art style. The characters are reminiscent of Paper Mario
- The music is fine, but forgettable

Story & Vibes
- The story is very bare-bones, but it isn't really the focus of the game anyway
- Very casual vibes. Easy to pick up and put down thanks to the puzzle game adjacent level style
- The game has a good sense of humor and doesn't take itself too seriously. There's fun references (some overt and some more subtle) to other games throughout

Playability & Replayability
- I wouldn't really call this a puzzle game. You just hover around and complete objectives, some of which are pretty amusing
- The quality of the levels is highly variable. They run the gamut from easy to hard and boring to fun. For the most part, they're pretty middling
- There's an NG+, but I mostly just went after the achievements. I might get the DLC at a later point, though, if it gets cheap enough

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game ran like a charm on the Steam Deck
- It's a decent little game, but it feels too short for the price. You could complete the main story in 2-3 hours, and there's another few hours to be had in picking up the NG+ achievements, but it's not a whole lot of bang for your buck

Final Verdict
- 5/10. It's an okay game. I'll recommend it since it's Steam Deck verified, but wait for a sale if this looks appealing to you

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
