Sights & Sounds
- The intricacy and attention to detail are noteworthy. Even if these aren't the best graphics you'll ever see in a game, they're quite good for a puzzle game
- The music is merely fine; nothing to write home about

Story & Vibes
- I played the whole game and can't remember much of the plot. You're solving puzzles to look for someone, I guess

Playability & Replayability
- If you buy this game, you're buying it for the puzzles, and I'm happy to report that the puzzles are all interesting, novel, and really good.
- I don't think I'll be returning to this game. There's not much to justify another playthrough

Overall Impressions
- The visuals are interesting and the puzzles are top-notch. For a simple puzzle game, that's all you can really ask for
- If you like puzzle games, this is certainly a good one to try (especially if you can snag it on sale)
- There's not much of a time commitment here. You can probably beat the game in a single sitting if you have the free time

Final Verdict
- 7/10. A series of fun puzzles with interesting visuals and a thin narrative

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
