Sights & Sounds
- The pixel art is great. People who played Turtles In Time will feel immediately nostalgic
- There's plenty of variety in the music, from the butt-rock intro with 5 lead guitar tracks all the way to the Wu Tang Clan
- The voice acting is as faithful as you could hope

Story & Vibes
- Look, you're not playing this for the story, alright? Just go beat up Bebop, Krang, and Shredder and have a good time
- As far as vibes go, it's an arcadey good time

Playability & Replayability
- The game plays incredibly well. The controls feel responsive and natural
- Piling up ridiculous combos is a lot of fun. It always feels nice chaining together back attacks into uppercuts into dive kicks into combos into supers. Trust me, it's intuitive
- Despite how amazing great the combat feels (super important in a beat-em-up), there's not a ton of depth
- All you really do is unlock characters and accumulate hidden collectibles, so there's not a ton of depth. What you see is more or less what you get
- I just played this with my wife (also a fan of Turtles In Time), so we're not feeling like committing to the grindfest. We played through story mode and may give arcade mode a go, but there's not enough going on to drive a 100% playthrough

Overall Impressions & Performance
- It's a great, arcadey good time. The combat is free-flowing and supremely satisfying. Despite that, I can't motivate myself to play the same levels over and over
- The game ran beautifully. No performance issues or bugs

Final Verdict
- 7/10. Absolutely worth your time if you have even a passing interest in the franchise

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
