Sights & Sounds
- The art direction is pretty nice. The pixel art rooms feel natural and lived in. I swear it looked one of my friend's kitchens was used as a reference for one of the levels
- Even though I completed this game less than a week ago, I couldn't remember any of the music until I looked it up on YouTube. I guess that means it's fine, but it didn't leave much of an impression

Story & Vibes
- Unpacking is an interesting exercise in active environmental storytelling. It's interesting to see what possessions follow the main character through her lifetime. The locations you move into and what you unpack gradually reveal more background until you see the whole bittersweet view of the protagonists growth and development despite her never appearing on screen
- This game can be an emotional experience, particularly for those that have moved around a lot during their lives. Going away to college, getting your first apartment, moving in with a romantic partner, moving away from that partner into a worse living situation, and finally getting your first real place with the love of your live are all emotional and poignant experiences. Unpacking does a good job of evoking the mixed emotions that accompany this major, but quotidian, life event

Playability & Replayability
- As creative and thoughtful as the approach to the narrative was, the gameplay is a chore (quite literally). You open a box, place the possessions it contains in appropriate parts of the room. This basic gameplay loop is all you'll be doing
- Given that that's the case, I don't foresee a replay. One playthrough to appreciate the storytelling method is really all you'll need

Overall Impressions & Performance
- I wish there had been just one or two twists on the gameplay loop to make the experience a little more fun. It's not a bad game by any means. It's just a bit tedious. I feel like I could have received half the game for half the price and enjoyed it twice as much
- This feels like a game for people who have settled into their lives. A younger player may still appreciate it, but I do suspect that the older crowd will be able to relate a bit better to the experience
- Ran well on the Steam Deck, but would probably have been easier to play with a mouse

Final Verdict
- 6/10. Worth a shot if you want a chill playthough. The creative storytelling technique is at least worth checking out; I just wish there was a little more variety given the 5-ish hour run time

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
