Sights & Sounds
- The combatants and environments are both heavily stylized and goofy-looking. It's consistently amusing to see armies of low-poly, googly-eyed warriors clumsily wailing on each other
- The sounds only add to the chaos. With all the clanking swords, fiery explosions, and sparkling magic spells, there's always a noisy cacophony to greet you whenever you hit the Start button

Story & Vibes
- It should come to no surprise that a game that plays more like a toy wouldn't have a story. Just pick your troops and get to bashing

Playability & Replayability
- Although there's a "story" mode full of scenarios, they're all very simple to beat, and it won't take you long to do so
- You'll be given a set of armies to choose from and a limited number of points to spend. Sometimes you're restricted to certain armies or troops. As you may expect, higher point costs usually mean a stronger unit
- Where this game really shines, however, is as a dumb couch co-op game where you come up with arbitrary rules, have your armies duke it out, and enjoy all the physics sandbox chaos
- It's replayable, but it will get old pretty quick. TABS is, if nothing else, a one-trick pony

Overall Impressions & Performance
- I much preferred playing this game on the couch with either my wife or some friends. However, I don't think I've ever played a session if this game that lasted longer than 90 minutes. You get bored and move on pretty quick
- The game mostly runs fine, but it won't be long before you have so many things being simulated on the screen that slowdown and framiness are virtually inevitable. It's part of the fun

Final Verdict
- 5.5/10. It's some mild fun with friends, but don't expect it much out of it beyond that

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
