My experience with this game was a constant feeling of, "This could be so good if it wasn't so bad." It has all the SWERY charm you'd be looking for going into it, but is endlessly marred by lack of QOL and endless repetition. I think it's definitely possible to enjoy yourself with this game, but you have to take steps for it.

1. Temper your expectations. The "mystery" elements are more of a pinch of flavor for the setting rather than a central theme, so don't get caught up in trying to solve it or piece things together.

2. Money isn't everything. Your giant debt and the general themes of the game may present money-making as your prime concern, but there really isn't that much to spend on unless you're trying to be a completionist (Do not fucking do this you will go insane.) As long as you accept oracle quests whenever you can along with the occasional sidequest, your only real hurdle will probably be camera parts.

3. For the love of God, do not try to do every sidequest. For some reason, only one quest can be active at a time, so trying to micromanage a dozen at once is hell. Almost none of them have unique rewards either, unless you count a bit of backstory, so you can get just as much by doing passive oracle quests. They also have this habit of making you do tasks in sets of 3, which Naomi will almost always complain about, which I assume SWERY/the devs/whoever I can blame for this thought would absolve them from said criticisms. She does this a lot.

4. Prepare for Naomi to say "YEAH BABY!" every time you dash on a mount. You cannot turn it off. You cannot turn down character voices without lowering the master volume. Accept it now so you can focus on steering a sheep with tank controls through a 3 ft gap in a fence.

I really can't recommend this to anyone but those who know what they're getting into. If you're still not dissuaded, though, you'll find a game with a lot of charm and heart put into it.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2022
