This has no buisness being so good. Over 80 levels with tons of variety in gameplay. Some missions have you battling hordes of enemies with specific weapons. Others are like giant mazes. Some make use of a special ability like the hamster ball or jet pack. Some are grinding levels. Some are big puzzles. Plus some great boss battles too boot. It feels like a full on action platformer like Ratchet and Clank.

The only thing I wish was that it didn’t feel so disjointed and mission like. Every level takes place in some void with random junk in the background. There aren’t any world themes, no real sense of progression, just random missions. That is until the end when all of a sudden there is an almost Mega Man Wily stages like end game with all new story driven levels when I thought the game was over. All in all I got a solid 5-7 hours out of this and a sense that Splatoon would make for an incredible full fledged platformer, the gameplay works so well in this regard.

This expansion is better than either Splatoon base campaign and well worth buying if you enjoyed those.

Overall score: 8.0

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2022
