I randomly tried this VR platformer and it’s rough. It does the whole Astro not luckys take thing of navigating the world around your head but many times it makes you look way too far down or puts obstacles in the way where you can’t see the character. The platforming is basic but solid, the best platformers though add unique elements as you play and this game has very few new ideas after the core mechanics.

The few things it does differently are random moments where you have to use the motion control to interact. One of these is throwing orbs at objects to protect Ven but the accuracy is awful. There is a totally random beat saver like mini game that halts the game entirely, imagine in the middle of mario a guitar hero mini game comes up and you need to complete a 5 minute song on hard mode with zero practice, it’s insane. And if you can’t complete it you are stuck.

This is clearly a very low budget game and it mostly works, it’s not horrible just some ideas backfired and it’s very bland.

Overall Score: 3.8

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2021
