Combat that is FF7 Remake beta, setting that is FF8's military and school vibes pumped up to anime extreme, somebody dropped in too much motion blur by accident, a dizzying and overly frenetic experience but can still be fun playing with the different characters and swapping out during combat. I think the UI is horrendous. Will return some other time, probably.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2021


love that you draw a parallel of design between Type Zero and 7R's weird rapid-switch hybrid combat systems, I totally agree!! I need to finish this one as well, it's such an odd duck with some fun specificity, but some very overwhelming presentational choices that caused me to fall off and feel totally incapable of staying un-glazed over during any of the plotty moments and their fabula nova jargon. Love the combat flute girl a lot

3 years ago

@PansyDragoonSaga yeah they really do feel linked in a lot of ways. Not only the swapping but also the face-button moveset and the on-screen info for what each button does!
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