Beautiful character designs and world, charming story as well, but this game proves positive why old school point and clicks opted to not include death as this one is pretty punishing

Although with the art style you would think this is an approachable game for kids, it's punishing difficulty states otherwise, had to shelf this one as a kid due to that fact and came back years later to clean up and even then it gets downright brutal at the end. it's environments and graphics just beg to be explored though and beg you to come back but I have to admit I felt immense relief after the credits rolled

Dated motion controls also hold it back a bit especially considering you have a very small window for certain actions later on

Overall, an awesome game that I wish could make a comeback with some tweaks to controls/difficulty but it's niche nature unfortunately shows why it didn't make much of a splash back in the day


Reviewed on Apr 12, 2024
