listen. do yourselves a favor and do NOT try to complete ALL side quests of this game. it straight up ruined the experience of what it should easily be a 5 star game for me. it was so incredibly boring to farm for a rare drop of horse hair of whatever the fuck those villagers ask you to do. so, yeah, by the time i got to dracula's castle i was really tired of the game and wanted to get it over with.

apart from that, it's an icredible game. i wasn't a fan of the sectioned and linear map in the first half of the game, but it's a very cool idea that goes back to the classic games. so it's cool how they implemented it here.
the glyphs are hands down the best part of the game. there's SO many of them and so many combinations you can do, it really adds to the gameplay. it also has some cool and diverse bosses concepts. also shanoa is the coolest.

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023
