Fascinated with the cycle this game bestows on the player; the initial contempt after the first time facing an opponent, utterly unable to read their particular style and timing and blaming the game for not adequately explaining how to do it and then, after a few failed attempts, the joy of actually realizing that those first fights were the game teaching you, preparing you for the satisfaction of beating such a fierce fighter and doing it the hard way. The thing is, that’s how is supposed to work, even the strongest and more skilled boxers have to rely on not so different practices to study and prepare for future fights, mere reflexes, ability and talent insufficient to win against the very best. And Super Punch-Out!! Not only gamifies this preparation, but accurately depicts the in ring experience of desperation that boxers can feel even in great performances when their rival manages to land a big punch or two, making them lose focus, and risk their plan for what it seems to me, very human reactions after taking damage. I had several of those instances while playing this game, were I knew hot to beat my opponent, and I was doing it perfect, but one misstep and suddenly my palms are sweaty, and my mind is succumbing to its worst tendencies. And it still looks and feels great, even after almost 30 years. A masterpiece, really.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023
