Extremely cool game that constantly reinvents itself and manages to remain interesting and surprising in every chapter (I thought Pogo's scenario got way to much "comedy" for my liking, but even then, it was something different). There are at least two undeniably top tier stories, and the remaining of the game keeps trying cool stuff, so even if it doesn't stick the landing you kinda have to give it to them.

It is all fun and games until the final encounter, which have you fighting a boss that's 10 times harder than any other enemy thus far. This boss is vicious, it has like 8 times more HP than the other bosses, it can, and will, one-shot you, and has AoE attacks that will interrupt your own charged attacks and that will decimate your party's health. You could argue that it is kinda the point, and that the fight could be fun if you arrive there prepared (by this I mean, if you grind your way there, and I'm talking like 2 hours or so of just grinding, that's like 10% of the runtime of the whole game, JUST GRINDING IN THE LAST CHAPTER), I mean it definitely challenges your mastering of the combat, but any game that has this sort of crazy fucking spike in difficulty, and I repeat that in my honest to god estimate it is like a 10x spike, just fucks it up. I'm sorry.

I was so close to loving this game and now I'm pissed.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023


11 months ago

I don’t get what you mean by having to grind? That would only really happen if you’re allergic to exploring the map and dungeons for better equipment and/or you flee from encounters constantly.

11 months ago

Not really. I explored the map rather profusely. For example, I went back and forth looking for an item to recruit one character because I didn’t know I already had it. I did maybe two dungeons before I stumbled on the third one (the one with the “timer”) which also had an extremely hard boss that was unbeatable without grinding more and decided I had had enough of the repetitive nature of this last act. The way this game is structured suggested to me that this content was optional (as it should be, because is a pain in the ass).

It would be fun to make an estimate of just how much it would take for the player to level up enough for this final boss. 200 fights or so? It just not okay.

I very rarely flee from encounters. Perhaps one of every ten? Something like that.

Wether you consider this content as optional or mandatory I guess it depends on the player. Even if it were to be the latter, we would be spending close to half the game on this last scenario, which is just bonkers to me. And even then my main point stands. A final boss being 10x as hard as any other encounter in the game is just bad design.