Always thought I would like this game more than most people, but I guess I ended up liking it less than most. Perhaps if you play it repeatedly it's better, but in this one playthough... oof. The bosses for this game are notorious for not giving you any rings, and the very first one just absolutely sucks right off the bat. Weirdly, the first boss is perhaps the hardest of the game. I had a lot of blunders on the other ones, but I think I was just too in my head, they're really rather easy for the most part. But yeah, the bosses are mainly what hold this game back for me, or at least the level leading up to them, because this has the Sonic 1 Genesis approach of having a level before the boss. It's not bad for most of them, but holy hell the Green Hills Zone act 3 level is ass.

The regular levels are also a mixed bag. I rather liked Green Hills and Aqua Lake Zone, but Gimmick Mt. and Scrambled Egg Zone were kinda bad (Scrambled Egg especially is doo doo). The other levels are negligible. Kudos for trying different themes than the typical ones, and placing the Green Hill clone in the middle of the game.

I'd personally just rather play Sonic 1 on Game Gear, though, I don't see this as an improvement at all, but rather frustrating most of the time.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2024


13 days ago

"Perhaps if you play it repeatedly it's better"

I've been playing this game almost my entire life and I can safely say that no, it does not.

13 days ago

@Weatherby imo people kinda exaggerate how much better Sonic games are if you learn the levels, this one definitely seems like it wouldn't benefit too much.

13 days ago

fun fact, that first boss was made harder for this version despite them knowing about the worse screen real estate. you have no idea how much I want to headbutt the guy who made that decision for my childhood misery.

13 days ago

@Vee they wanted to squeeze out those rentals so bad.