OOOH BBBABY!!!!! Literally peak gaming. Gaming at its ABSOLUTE FINEST. You cannot convince me otherwise. When I found out a sequel existed after completing the first game as a little child, I went absolutely bananas. We also had this game already, as my brother seemingly played it before and I was absolutely flabbergasted when I along with the same family friend of mine started playing this just a few months after finishing LBP 1. This game is a huge step up from the first one. The story, the characters, the world, the setting, the outfits, the building materials, EVERYTHING is 100% more polished and better. This is the best experience I've EVER had with a video game, and I cannot express how much this game has done for me. I met some of my first online friends on this game, and even if sometimes they were a bit weird, I will never forget the memories made in Angry Birds Bomb Survival.

I also spent over a 100€ on cosmetics on this stupid fucking game

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Normally I would judge you for something like this, but spending over 100€ on Little Big Planed DLC is completely reasonable and some would even argue, incredibly based