Max Payne 3 is criminally underrated.

Sure, the story probably doesn't kick quite as much as the other two, it rehashes old story beats gone over in The Fall of Max Payne. He's grappling with having to overcome his dead family yet again. However that doesn't mean it's not still a good story in of itself, it's engaging, has plenty of twists and turns, and has a lot of satisfying beats.

But that's not why it's underrated, it's underrated because it is one of the most satisfying and well constructed third person shooters out there. Max is a joy to control, fight scenes are excellently choreographed because of how Max stumbles around the battlefield wielding whatever guns he can get his hands on, which makes most gun fights look like they jump straight out of the John Woo movies that originally inspired Max's creation at Remedy.

The limited arsenal means that you're constantly switching through guns, you might have your favourites but they won't always be there, so you're always keeping an eye out for what your enemies are using and if you can nab anything off their corpses when you're done filling them with bullets.

Levels are distinct and memorable, setting the game in Sao Paulo with flashbacks to NYC means you have a cavalcade of set pieces to explore, with moments like the Airport being some of the most memorable in gaming history (go listen to TEARS by HEALTH now)

Max Payne 3 doesn't get the respect it deserves, it might not be as narratively impressive as its predecessors, but its gameplay is well worth your time.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
