So, this game is a Chinese folklore RPG retelling of Pinocchio, but instead of a wooden puppet, it's about a frail girl named Xiang who has a near-death experience. With the power of magic, her soul is separated from her body and placed within a wooden mannequin. The plot is okay, but the translation can make it hard to follow at times. The journal does a good job showcasing the lore from Xiang's perspective. Unfortunately, nobody gets swallowed by a whale. I was hoping for something like being eaten by a giant frog.

Xuan-Yuan Sword features simple action RPG combat. There are five martial art stances to learn, each with unique basic attacks and a special move. Your party of three can upgrade their equipment through a crafting system, which also offers nice cosmetic effects for the weapons. You can also craft armor, accessories, and soul protections to become the most powerful Pinocchio in town.

There are a handful of side quests, but they are basic fetch missions and feel short and incomplete. For example, you might have to run 100 meters north, kill one enemy, and then return to the quest giver. However, the game includes a simple but engaging chess/match-three mini-game that is quite enjoyable to play. The AI in the game lacks fluidity and often makes the same moves in every game of chess. Xuan-Yuan Sword offers a fast-paced RPG experience that takes around fifteen hours to complete. Thankfully, you don't spend more than 30 minutes in the same area, which is a nice change of pace for the genre.

Reviewed on May 13, 2023
