How many times have I played this game? It just never gets old.

Back in late 2004 I didn’t go to school, I stopped when I became 18 (next year I finished at an alternative school), and I rented this game the day it came out and played it over 2 rental cycles. I never felt more alive, plus I got to play it for 10 dollars instead of 50. Great memory.

What is it that makes this the best Metal Gear? 1-4 have the best stories. This has the best gameplay though. It’s amazing that an HD version of a 2004 game is the most playable game ever.

It’s my favorite game, and I’ve been playing it more over the past couple of years after realizing that I can play whatever I want to. Why play a poor game for the first time when you could just play Snake Eater again?

There’s something nice about playing a game nearly entirely set in the jungle. It’s calming. I normally don’t like boss fights, but they’ve become so much fun to play here. European Extreme is surprisingly easy.

A Metal Gear game that puts every other Metal Gear to shame, just because it’s not Snake Eater. The best game ever made.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

that's right