I really liked the concept of this game and the atmosphere but holy fuck are the controls DOGSHIT. Every second of playing this shit is pure misery there is zero enjoyment. The stiff controls, the choppy camera angle transitions the severe lack of health items coupled with how it only takes a few hits to get killed and having to manage 2 characters health. I wanted to love re0 but over time I gained such hatred for this game. This is the hardest game I have ever played and this is coming from someone who has played bloodborne and dark souls etc. There is no enjoyment in re0 besides giving yourself the biggest migraine ever. It took me 10 hours just to reach the halfway point in this game. The most obnoxious mechanic is the limited inventory and the fact that you have to pick up SO many items during the game jesus fucking christ. I didn’t finish this game I never fucking will, I’m still logging this as finished and writing a review idc. My breaking point was getting to the church and. it knowing that you still needed the hook shot to advance when I had gotten rid of that shit for more inventory space LONG ago, there was no way in hell I was finding that shit again or restarting this hellish game all over. I have no desire to play this game and finish it. Mad respect to those who have finished this game.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2023
