Guardians of the Galaxy is a breath of fresh air after a long held breath from the previous marvel game "Marvels Avengers". Made by the same development company as Marvels Avengers, many where skeptical about whether or not this would be a dumpster fire. But to most people surprise, it was astounding.

The game has you play from the perspective of Star Lord about 1 year or so into the Guardians being formed, and there is still growing and tension between the group. The gameplay enhances this, because you only play as Star Lord, and you control the guardians and command them to do certain actions.

The story is an emotional ride about loss, family, your past and becoming who you want to be. Love, loss, and loneliness are even present themes of the game, and the character integrations are where this game shines. The characters have a quip and joke for everything that they do and how they act, and it does not get old. The story characters and gameplay are amazing, highly highly recommend for any marvel or gaming fan in general.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2021
