i think i must've browsed through the furry games available on Steam when i came across this free visual novel with a cutesy minimalist artstyle.
i was honestly really caught off-guard by how much I enjoyed the game, in the best way possible. it's a rather short experience, i beat it in 3 hours, a guide by my side for some of the more cryptic parts. but I truly enjoyed my time with it cause the writing is just so enjoyable! it is equally funny when it wants to be and touching when it needs to be. at the end of it you truly like everyone in the cast and some moments really hit me emotionally. I also really enjoyed the soundtrack, huge shoutout to the end credits theme.
Purrgatory is deceitfully simple, but its charming presentation and heart-warming story completely won me over, to the point that I still remember some parts of my playthrough really well. also it's hecking free!!!! go play it!!!!

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
