I really enjoyed my time with this game, the atmosphere, the minimalist plot, the art, and so on. I got to the last boss, but i don't think i have it in me to do the post game, there was just this one flaw gnawing at me by the "end".

And that is how repetitive it became by the end. Usually in Dungeon Crawlers / RPGs the more you advance through them , the more stuff you can do, the tactical options broaden and it becomes more complex, giving you a lot of things to do and specialize at, play how you want to. Meanwhile in Undernauts i felt like the same things i was doing at 10 hours of game time, were the same things i was doing at 25 or 45 hours. Even the skills were the same, they were just a few ranks higher. A big part of it is how stingy the game was with level ups. In Strange Journey by the midpoint of the game i was at level 40 i think, same for Soul Hackers and so on. Meanwhile, at the "last" boss, my party was around levels 22~25, barely promoted but with no access to the more interesting and different skills.

I'm sure i'll get to use all that stuff in the post game, with more harder enemies and so on, but wouldn't it be better if the second half of the game was harder, while also giving you more stuff to do? Unlocking skills early on and so? I think so. Instead of something that feels like a 40 hours tutorial.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2022
