I loved the gameplay of this game and it could have totally worked without the Metal Gear Solid brand. To me it felt like a great action based game with the Metal Gear Solid name slapped over the top of it. It just did not feel like an MGS game. The fact the story did not play out like a typical MGS game, cutscenes could be several missions apart making keeping me engaged with the story hard. I don't like how Ocelot looks and sounds different in every MGS game. The fact they got Kiefer Sutherland to replace David Hayter as Big Boss but he barely speaks anyway.

What i'm still frustrated to hell about is much this game overstayed it's welcome, yeah make it a long game with all the extras for those who want to stay late at the party but I got really frustrated when it gave the "End of Chapter 1" cutscene after 30+ hours in. To get the "True" ending and to complete Chapter 2 you need to repeat missions on a higher difficulty including the slow as hell first mission. This felt like the game was only going to let the player experience the whole game if they proved themselves worthy of it which I think is a massive insult for gamers like me who like to experience the game and not have to master it.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
