While I appreciate that LAL experiments so much with its game design across all its chapters, it ultimately falls flat for me because it's placed along side some of the most bland and cliche-filled writing I've ever experienced. I actually almost dropped the game at the first chapter I played (pre-history) because it was just boner and fart jokes for 2 hours, with nothing of substance in between. I also have to talk about the music because while there are some decent tracks, a lot of them made scenes feel very corny or sappy despite that clearly not being the intention (especially the new rendition of Megalomania if I'm being honest). If the rest of the game matched up to the quality that is shown by how the game reinvents itself each chapter despite being in the confines of the same system, then LAL could have been great, but unfortunately, it never managed to accomplish that for me.

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2022
