A lot of reviewers are comparing this to Hi Fi Rush and JSR, but make no mistake, this is far more Crash Bandicoot and Jak than either of those two games.

The core gameplay is, for the most part, fun enough. When you're zipping around on grind rails and slapping paint on billboards or partaking in traditional platforming challenges it's great. The level design also throws out enough variety to keep these sections varied and interesting, even if many of the gimmicks themselves have been done in other games. (Rotating platforms, chase sequences, messing around with gravity to name a few of the wrinkles)

The combat however...just isn't that good. The collision detection felt consistently off and I was left wondering what hit me (or why I suddenly have a missing heart due to the lack of I frames and feedback). It also doesn't help that you can't bounce off the heads of enemies. I think that could've really helped with the overall flow and would make perfect sense.

Also, while it doesn't do anything wrong aesthetically, I would've liked a bit more variety in the locations. 90 percent of the game is set in industrial complexes with dull color schemes. Sure, your aim is to bring these places back to life in this De-Blob like fashion. I get it. The problem is that I never really felt the same sense of gratification I got from the aforementioned "cozy" platformer because the environment never really changes that much. You'll occasionally come across massive billboards that flood the screen with colors and graffiti when sprayed, but then it's back to the same old washed out stuff.

Overall, I think this is one of those games that is a shining example of why steam needs a "maybe" option for reviews. It has some great ideas, but the poor combat and repetitive scenery really brings it down at times.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
