The simple combat in Souls games works because the enemy placement works in tandem with the layouts of the levels to constantly push you into slightly different situations; combat is more than just interaction with enemies, it’s interaction with the levels themselves. Anor Londo, for example, isn’t *just* as iconic as it is because of its grandeur, or because you fight lots of knights in cool armour - it’s also because of the freakish situations it puts you in, unlike anything the game’s thrown at you before and unlike anything it’ll throw at you again.

Elden Ring’s levels are the opposite - areas forgo their predecessors’ tightness and break themselves into open spaces that facilitate uninterrupted combat, at worst almost feeling like sets of connected ‘combat rooms’. And it doesn’t matter how smooth the animations on your sword-knights are or how bitingly difficult they are to kill (probably by virtue of their perfectly-crafted rollcatches) when this all feeds an extreme focus on the *least* interesting part of the gameplay. You'll instead engage with the level layouts almost entirely during out-of-combat exploration, which is interesting for a while - Stormveil already has you jumping around and edging through a lot of tight spaces. But any neat ideas it has get run dry far too quickly by a tendency to re-use them and an inability to expand past them, meaning areas that *should* feel strikingly different all end up blending together a bit too much.

It's a shame, because the game occasionally dares to show promise. The pair of Leyndell and Shunning-Grounds sticks out to me - Leyndell falls slightly into the 'combat room' trap, but has an immense sense of scale and varies itself an impressive amount through its runtime to offer enough gameplay variance while bringing interesting environmental storytelling. Shunning-Grounds, on the other hand, is a much tighter souls-like level that still brings enough unique ideas to set itself apart from other Souls areas (though it does invoke Depths quite a bit). But I'm calling in my replay after Castle Sol - basically feeling like Redmane Castle but with enemies pulled from Stormveil and Volcano Manor - and when I look back, there's hardly any areas in the game I can say I liked *except* for those two.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024


4 months ago

Yea you are so right, this issue + the anime super move combo thing every boss does makes this my lesst favorite fromsoft work

4 months ago

@moschidae oh yeah there's loads more stuff i could have griped about if i wanted to lol - i'm not a fan of a lot of the bosses either, i do quite like some of the minor ones in the mini-dungeons but good luck finding one of those without a second boss and three imps being chucked in for good measure

4 months ago

Elden ring boss design is just "uhh what if it was ornstien and smough but like mixed with Midir AND gywn AND goku AND Ludwig!! wouldnt that be fuckin craazy!!!" and the answer every time is no. please never do this concept again
i still liked this one overall but ds3 reigns supreme

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 i was gonna play ds3 instead of elden ring because i'm on a bit of a dark souls kick but i think i've played that game too much, i went through high wall and it just felt like i was following a script because i've done it so many times before :(

4 months ago

i've been trying to figure out how to love elden ring for the past two years, so i def feel it. like there's plenty of love and consideration put into many of the game's elements (particularly its aesthetic worldbuilding), but they def spread themselves thin in terms of map design, the granulation of "content", and power scaling, so it's difficult to just enjoy elden ring for what it is without having to learn to play around it. i've settled on a slightly more positive impression after like 300+ hours and four-ish replays (prolly closer to like seven or eight, but i've only beaten the game in three of those), but i don't really blame people for seeing it as a lackluster gameplay experience tbh
@faea that's very fair, I've felt the same with some of my favs too

4 months ago

@theia the aesthetics in this game are just out of this world imo, easily my favourite aspect of the game. wrt the gameplay it's a little frustrating because past everything i don't like there's still a lot of great little moments, they're just so small in comparison to all the other stuff that just doesn't really do much for me. i've been very close to dropping it a couple times, but my past few sessions have had enough cool bits (raya lucaria, ainsel river!!, even preceptor miriam tower? i kinda liked that but i know all my friends hated it) so i guess it's still got me in its jaws for a while still lol

4 months ago

got to consecrated snowfields (and subsequently dropped the game) so i rewrote the last paragraph and added a little extra bit. probably should have waited until now to write the review i guess, but i was pretty ready to drop the game at the time lol. i did at least enjoy leyndell and shunning-grounds, but ultimately i feel pretty much the exact same i did 20 hours ago sadly