new fursona pfp who this

there will be SPOILERS xoxo

unlike everyone who played that game I left my first ever playthrough of bioshock infinite with a really positive opinion sure it wasnt as good as the original duology but it was a nice addition to the series nonetheless who am I to judge

so leaving that experience wanting more im happy to see that this dlc is coming to my rescue

while I completely lost the grip on the lore of this series as soon as they introduced the multiverse albeit not as bad as the comically unbearable multiverse infodump that gets thrown in the latest marvel movies (i hate marvel so i may also be biased to say that their iteration of the multiverse sucks ass) but that being said it was a good excuse to go back to the roots of the series

we're back in the shoes of former protagonist booker dewitt still an investigative type of guy and this time elizabeth from another dimension and way series asks you a favor regarding a missing girl and youre back to being a super dooper duo

booker is more floaty headed due to him being a mish mash of multiverse version of himself and elizabeth got emotionally scarred again and again through her different realities so they make a really cool pair of mentally ill people

and this time we are back to the basics back to rapture

I wont lie seeing rapture again made me kind of teary eyed and seeing rapture in its former glory with shops and machinery and a lot of ocean and people normally living in it brimming with life obviously considering this is also technologically ahead of bioshock 1 they could put a lot more details in the city and a lot more character in the daily lives of the people of rapture adding even more to the lore of bioshock 1

sure the main focus of the game is still booker and his mentally unstable thought processes and particularly his troubled relationship with elizabeth but rapture will always take the cake for me as much as fictional cities go you can't deny rapture is one of the most intriguing and exciting environments to explore even now

while this installment probably just plants the basics for the next episode it sure is a damn good time to see my babies back again and since bioshock infinite defo has a really solid gameplay already it wasn't a big deal adding some more 2 - 3 hours of story beats for me

there's some gameplay changes here and there and they also adapt to bioshock 1 and 2 environment flawlessly the circus shop also sells weapons and the bottle is not vigor anymore but its obviously eve and THE WEAPON WHEEL IS BACK UGHHHH I hated only bringing 2 weapons so yeah nice addition

as for the story flow its very reminiscent of bioshock 1 in the fact that its basically fetch quest after fetch quest with some character interactions here and there and pauses to listen to the usual audio files but that's also the reason why bioshock gameplay is so fucking iconic so im not gonna complain about that

definitely the story is just gonna get deeper into the lore aspect when we get to episode 2 but what we have here is already a great dlc for the base game and rapture is the main reason I love this fictional city so fucking much

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023


8 months ago

New pfp is cool!

I liked both parts of the Rapture DLC, but I'm also warmer on Infinite than most people, even if it has a lot of problems. Always thought going back to Rapture and playing around more with the dimension hopping outside of different versions of Columbia was cool and something I wish the base game did more of.

8 months ago

@Weatherby taking this opportunity to tell you that your art is super cool and I love the new pfp !!!

i did really enjoy not only infinite but burial at sea 1 + 2 so im that part of the demographic that has shit taste and likes this game but thats fine people can like different things and yeah going back to rapture was a fucking blast I would not have minded an entire game like this honestly

8 months ago

Thank you!

I do think the DLC is maybe better than the base game but still had a great time with Infinite when it came out. I need to get back to it at some point (it's on my backlog), and maybe my opinion will change. It has its problems, especially narratively, but Elizabeth is cool and I kinda gelled with the gameplay.