alan wake is definitely not my favorite experience in the videogame department and i sure did not need an entire expansion for some lore implications of a game i already dont understand a lot about but oh well what can we do

after playing the foundation dlc i had high hopes for this one to actually add some more substantial elements to an already pretty incredible experience but it sure wasnt what i was expecting seeing that most of this is just an alan wake 2 teaser and while it tries so hard to connect the 2 games together it falls flat on his ass with the “theyre connected because we say so not because theres actually any kind of story element to tie the different lores or anything” like most of the time redhead will just be like oh damn this poet thing is stuck in a dark place poor him ok whatever do we care no

i can see how this could actually make alan wake fans lose their minds but me not being a fan of that game to begin with and a certified nihilist i dont find any kind of joy in seeing the protagonist of one the most monotonous games ive played this year show his face to me again to reenact all that juicy PTSD so yeah sorry to the fans (authors notice: i liked some of the stuff in alan wake i hope fans wont voodoo doll my ass into the grave now)

as for the gameplay theres not a lot here the investigations department of the bureau is just another carbon copy of the stuff youve seen for the entire game so theres nothing worth of note here the alan wake darkness mechanics of shining light to black cum to make it disappear is tucked on control just for some side quests that i had no interest to actually do and most of the time youre gonna fight with a monster from the alan wake lore which is actually scared of darkness or something and can be fucked up by shining some pole lights onto him for like 5 different encounters until he dies and theres that as i said this is as bare bones as it can get as additional content it just acts as a way to wet alan wake simps pants and i gotta say the finale makes a nice teaser for whats to come i will give them that

so yeah im done with control funnily enough i played these games to play alan wake 2 but i actually think i will wait a sec to play that one because i got so much stuff in my backlog im probably gonna burst until that moment stan jesse faden aka courtney hope for the funniest lines ive ever heard and a simile realistic experience

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
