i really wanted to give this game a higher rating i really did

ive been a fan of valkyrie series for some time now (read as: i only played valkyrie profile and i havent even finished it yet lmaoooooooooo ok anyway) and i was very much interested into the next installment of the series that for me at least came out completely out of the blue like i had no idea this happened forreal ok anyway

this is fundamentally opposite to the very first installment in every conceivable way ever apart from the fact that it takes place in a nordic myths background and the protagonist is a cute as fuck valkyrie

i dont even know what to say about this game because its just completely messy lets just say that i do actually enjoy the game im pretty sure this is pretty passable for the amount of time youre gonna spend with it but im sure they actually couldve done so much more with this game like the setting of valkyrie is absolutely stunning every single frame in valkyrie profile was full of incredible sights and artworks but whatever

the story is as straightforward as it gets theres the valkyrie whose name i dont think i got throughout the game maybe maria but whatever and shes ordered by odin to just purify the lands of midgar like roaming and killing foes thats basically it

what actually happens tho is that you get to fight against fucking fenrir who is a she ? I never actually cared that much to understand the nordic lore and maybe I am at fault here but is fenrir gendered ? weird ok but anyway I thought it was a he

so whatever fenrir is trying to disrupt odins plans in a way that I still dont understand and to do that she's using a valkyrie with the name of hilde who actually has the weirdest motives in this entire game actually yknow what I dont understand what anyone in this game is trying to do like they're doing things and I'm like oooooooooh umh . and what did they do this for

so anyway during this vanquishing trip the valkyrie meets some eljanrd elhardt el . umh . dead warriors that still wander in the lands of midgar and after kinda exorcising them they get back and fight with the valkyrie and just yknow exist

now how this worked in valkyrie profile a much as I saw is that every single warrior gets a little introduction like idk half a hour introduction ? with cutscenes and all and thats a great way for the narrative to settle what that character is gonna be like and what happened to him

here they opted with a quick exchange of dialogue while you still play as valkyrie and to be honest I have no fucking idea what happened to these guys FORREAL maybe I wasn't paying attention but really I have no idea what happened

so there's yknow . a butch lesbian a lipstick lesbian (I have no idea if these definitions are offensive to anyone so please lemme know) a twink and . my boyfriend eygon

eygon if you read this im free on Thursday night and would like to hang out. Please respond to this and then hang out with me on Thursday night when I’m free.

he's so fucking HOT people what the actual fuuuuuck and he's the first warrior you'll get so you have a good look at that hunk of a man I'm so mmmmmmmm valkyrie elysium suddenly a 10/10

so you get these warriors and what you do is still fighting against everything in your path until shit breaks and you're against fenrir

in the meantime you will see a cute guy honestly very cute guy armand im free on tuesday etc etc so whatever what happens is the valkyrie will have some interactions with him and he's like I trying to find her gf or whatever and you're like omg guess who she's gonna be

this game also got multiple endings and also ones with absolutely dumb resolutions but to be honest this game is kinda dumb all around

didn't care to explore them all and just watched them on the mighty Internet . still not really that interesting anyway for me to actually get all the flower collectibles or whatever the fuvk sooooo yeah

the star here is pretty clearly the combat but I'm actually pretty happy with the visuals and the characters even tho some of them feel kinda weird

every land of midgar is super detailed and absolutely stunning and you better like it because you're gonna scour every single nook and cranny to break some boxes to get some collectibles to upgrade your valkyrie

combat is super sick and incredibly fun for the leak of variety in the base enemies (the bosses are actually great just look at their designs damn ayyyyy papiiiiii) it's basically opting for hack and slashy instead of the original turn based combat which is actually a nice change of pace even tho you're kinda gonna just use the same 3 techniques because this game isn't long enough to hone your abilities but it's actually fine.

you battle against these sickos and got some different weapons and elemental abilities to exploit enemy weaknesses and you can also summon your soldiers its actually kinda fun I swear and not at all messy like I thought it would get

also you got skill trees now I know everybody hates skill trees but I kinda dig them … I'm sorry backloggd unpopular opinion forreals but like you can actually upgrade different stuff and shit it's actually enjoyable this time not like ff7r weapon upgrade dear lord

so yeah at least the battles are showy enough to make you forget this game is mid

pretty sad this could've been a great game but I'm just left with wanting more from this experience also it was supposed to be a 3.5 but FUCK THAT FINAL BOSS LOOOOOORD

Reviewed on May 02, 2023
