Some "smart", edgy stuff. I guess someone started reading a little bit of Lovecraft, huh? Dialogue doesn't even fit the situation the characters are in, and while only an hour short, it still overstayed its welcome. But hey, only bought it for the steam cards, free money gimme gimme.

★½ – Unplayable ❌

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022


1 year ago

It feels like David dips his hands in to way too many different styles. I kind of appreciate it, but it doesn't really work too well sometimes. Iron Lung was super unique, but I thought it was incredibly boring and unengaging. Hopefully he decides to return to the boomer shooter genre someday.

1 year ago

Walking sims doesn't seem to be his forte. I get you with Iron Lung. It's one of those game that are actually more fun to watch someone play than play yourself.