terribly boring game that seems to think it's more interesting than it really is despite how little new it actually does. the overarching story and its concepts i can understand being sad and tragic but there just isnt much substance to it. most other negative reviews on this site encapsulate how i feel about it in a way i dont really care enough to articulate.
i slept on my thoughts and i think i can understand liking omori if you dont play many jrpgs or dont consume media with similar themes/subjects/executions. the main issue i have is that the game is derivative while trying to present things in a way that feels like its trying to be palatable to a wider audience, and after experiencing so much media that does what omori does in ways i enjoy so much more without the backdrop of shallow rpg mechanics and halfbaked horror behind it i just cant bring myself to find any sort of enjoyment in omori

these things omori does are derived from some of the most special things to me, and experiences that i am familiar with on a level that omori won't ever let you have, because it's too busy being palatable for teenagers on the internet to handle things as raw and uncomfortably as they should be without shoehorning poorly done horror.
the game doing a face turn from being about grief and loneliness and what that can do to someone into making the main character an utterly awful person who did something genuinely evil for the sake of a stupid twist is so irritating. just read oyasumi punpun and chi no wadachi or something theyre way better

...also every time you see a bad take on this website you will 99% of the time either see this stupid kid or Joker from persona 5 staring at you on the person's profile

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2022


1 year ago

hee öyle mi :D

1 year ago


1 year ago

Shut up lotuslessus

1 year ago

You haven't dissertated anything...
And I have never seen a media that talks about depression better than omori, if it has I wanted to find out,

1 year ago

i'm not trying to "dissertate" anything. imo disco elysium, oyasumi punpun, and lisa all handle things like depression/mental illness/trauma in ways that are infinitely better and more interesting than omori does