even if you manage to get your lame generic waifu you have to grind for hours to make them usable and it isn't even worth it because the story and writing are so unbelievably ass. environments are also not as good looking as genshin fans pretend they are. anyone who unironically plays and enjoys this game should not have their opinions taken into account for any discussion on video games whatsoever

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2022

1 Comment

I like Genshin Impact. It's a therapeutic game for me. I use to play it in 2021 Autumn & Winter. It is a decent timepass. The Music is so relaxing. The scenery and Cell Shaded graphics look pretty and the main city kind of reminds of Witcher 3. The voice acting is also nice. I agree the gameplay is shit, the characters are uninteresting and uninspired. the writing, the grind, the gacha and the community is dog shit. But still there is still some fun to be had.