"You can close your eyes. I'll always remain here by your side."

i think anyone who knows me also knows that i am very decidedly not a fan of persona 4 and i used to not like 5 much either. i feel like they lost a lot of what made the classic era of persona games special and meaningful, and due to the games sharing the same director in katsura "i’ve never successfully forged a true friendship with a girl in real life" hasino, i assumed persona 3 would be no different.

while the game definitely takes a lot of steps away from what persona used to be in a lot of aspects, it's still a surprisingly well made experience, and rather than a harbinger of what the series would inevitably become, it feels more like a last goodbye to what the series used to be. i undoubtedly still enjoy the persona 2 duology (at least eternal punishment) more than persona 3, but i can appreciate and come to love persona 3 for what it is; a beautiful game that shows that you don't need to be perfect to tell a beautiful, heart-wrenching story that means a lot to a lot of people.
i played with the undub patch and i think it might have one of my favorite set of vocal performances in any video game. the main party's japanese voice actors are really good at conveying emotions, especially pain, and it pushed me into tears in parts where i otherwise could've reasonably held them back, and persona 3 portable is probably the most i've cried at a video game for a while outside of the 2 duology. portable also has the benefit having a good set of self insert protagonists, especially when one of my major hang ups was struggling to insert myself as a girl into the shoes of the milquetoast pretty boy persona protagonists the modern series has otherwise.

i highly recommend this game to anyone who either loves one and hates/doesn't care for the other era of persona, i'm certain that no matter what you prefer you'll find something to love here.

the ken shit was kinda weird though. obviously didnt pursue it but it's fucking strange and uncomfortable that it was an option.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2022

1 Comment

1 month ago

oh my fucking god i never knew that about hashino, but that explains SO much