This retroactively makes me like episode 1 a little more, mostly just because I forgot how much I liked Alyx until she was gone!
There's really not much I have to say about this that isn't also just, what makes Half-Life 2 so good and interesting, this episode really goes back to that sort of exploration and quest formula that I really just loved. Music is great, acting's mostly great, G-Man remains one of the most interesting characters just because of how little he says and how much there is to him, potentially speaking.
Just, so much more gets explored here, and I love it!
What I didn't love as much was the strider fight at the end, that was a bit frustrating for me but it ended up being ok in the end lmao
good game! can't wait for episode 3

...wait i mean can't wait for Half-Life 3! Oh wait...

Alyx will be next!

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024
