A game in the "Endless Runner" genre with a hip hop aesthetic. Whether you want to pick it up or not is basically tied to how appealing you think that first sentence sounds.

To me, the appeal was to find something short that I could achievement hunt in. In that regard, Aerial_Knight's Never Yield was a solid option. Getting all achievements, which requires you to check out all three available game modes, took me about 3 hours overall. That includes finishing the story mode, doing a bonus level and spending 30 (!) minutes in the endless mode.

So what do you do in this game? Well, it's an endless runner game, meaning your character runs to the right of the screen and the challenge is to dodge obstacles whenever they appear within a short amount of time. There are only four different obstacle types that you either jump over, slide under, dash through or jump inbetween by pressing the correct buttons based on the color shown. It's very easy to pick up after completing the first level or two, and once you've seen these obstacles once, you've seen them all. For the rest of the game, they just repeat for a while without really mixing it up. You can turn off your brain and just play, which has its appeal from time to time. The hip hop aesthetic is pretty cool and the soundtrack has some pretty nice tracks to listen to, but everything in this game just gives the impression of "limited". That's not necessarily a bad thing, the game does only last a bit over an hour for a normal story playthrough after all, but that should be your expectation going in.

The endless mode is basically you running from corner to corner in a gym and dodging stuff two times in every lap. I think it took me 150 or so laps to get the achievement there, which, again, took half an hour, so go for 100% achievements at your own risk.

If you just found this game in your Steam library and are thinking off checking it off your backlog, there are definitely worse ways to spend an afternoon, but also plenty of better ways.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
