enjoyed this quite a bit!! the floaty jump is fun. i wasn't expecting the level design to have as much verticality and secret hunting as it does! searching for passage and collecting dots at dead ends to spawn in a platform is a satisfying loop. the invincibility power-up gives some nice stimulation as well. you're often on pretty tight timer to break through a door/floor with it, and if you fail, it only takes seconds to walk back and try again. the latter half of the game has some cool precision platforming. paired with the startlingly fast auto-scroller stages, i imagine some would find parts of the journey too hellish for a game about donald duck, but you're given plenty of lives and checkpoints. for 100% completion, you're granted a bonus level consisting of a new locale with unique mechanics and enemies! good stuff!

i've only played like half a dozen gameboy color games, but i'm under the assumption that this is one of the system's most gorgeous. the palettes are pleasant and the whole screen is filled with detail. lotta isometric kinda stuff goin on with the terrain. some super top-notch animation on display here as well! truly the disney of video games...

1st: gbc
2nd: n64/dreamcast/pc

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
