on the hunt for one, just one good digimon game and this is not it. this game is slooooooow. slow when it comes to story progression, slow when it comes to battling. hell even trying to change locations will add hours to your run time since loading another 2D screen with cardboard cutouts in front of it is apparently too much to ask for.

giving a point for the acclaimed 'dark twists' in the narrative because when shit goes down it doesnt shy away from going through with it, but by all means it is not worth the damage you inflict on your thumb by skipping forward.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2023


8 months ago

I've played Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Survive. That's 2 more chances than the Digimon franchise deserves. Both were terrible experiences. I don't foresee myself ever playing another Digimon game after trying these 2.

8 months ago

@jackindisguise It's sad because this franchise could give so much. I used to play Digimon Rumble Arena 2 and Digimon World 4 when I was younger. First one was quite fun, and the other was... something. I deemed it difficult because I was 13 while playing it, but it turns out the game's also just crap. I wanted to give Cyber Sleuth a chance, but my gut feeling tells me it might just be ass too. Sad, but thanks for the heads up!