AITA For Banning My Yummi Duo And Discord Mod Co-Worker After She Cheated On Me With Him? So me (32M) and my e-girlfriend Yummi duo (15F) have been happily duoing on bot lane for about 5 days now when she told me that my discord mod co-worker (27M) had been hitting on her in DMs. To be perfectly honest I wasn't playing attention while she said it as I was trying hard to get a triple kill in dragon pit but anyway apparently she watched Borat 2 with him in movies VC yesterday and I banned them both. I had a long day of cleaning toilets at the middle school I work at so I the beast inside me was running wild but I feel kind of guilty not being able to get clean double kills in bot without her. AITA?

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
