Yeah, so this is the only Fire Emblem game I have under my belt, and honestly it's gonna stay that way. I'm just not interested in its predecessors.

Fire Emblem Three Houses is a solid, entertaining game that nonetheless feels half-baked. It has a vibrant cast of characters and an interesting conflict going for it, but only hits some of the emotional beats and gets repetitive fast. Additionally, you have to play through White Clouds on all 3 routes with little to no variation (if you're a coward and avoiding playing Black Eagles). Without discussing the game's shallow ass politics, Black Eagles is the best and tragically shortest route, because you get to kill Gustave and Rhea is at her best and scariest in an antagonistic role. To contrast, the Blue Lions route is the longest, but largely because the game's narrative is heavily biased towards Dimitri, which is evidenced by the way he has a fully detailed backstory while Edie and Claude get next to nothing. As for the Golden Deer route, while Claude is content to let Edie and Dimi murder each other, his route is the weakest of the three as a result of his go-with-the-flow brand of conquest. Of course, most of this game's problems would be solved if the Agarthans just didn't exist. Or at least if you're going to write a secret underground race tampering with the country's ruling class into your story, have them more than just tangentially involved.

If you're going to play this game yourself, you need an open mind and a lot of patience. I clocked in at around 170 hours when all was said and done to put it in perspective. Also don't limit yourself to the troubled white boy route. There's already enough moralistic holier-than-thou Dimitri stans with zero media literacy in this fandom. You're better than that. Or maybe you aren't, I don't know, but I said what I said.

Dorothea and Sylvain my DMs are open.

Reviewed on May 13, 2021
