I thoroughly enjoyed this installment of Trails.
Fun gameplay, slightly improved from the first Cold Steel with updated mechanics, a larger roster of characters to play as and also COOL MECHA WITH TACHI RAHHHHHHHHH!!!! The incredible world building being expanded on, it's always nice seeing them mention the events of Crossbell since it's happening simultaneously with this Erebonia duology. Cast is solid, friends and foes alike. That DAMN soundtrack though... I love the battle theme and how it perfectly captures Rean's loneliness at the start of the game as he's separated from his fellow classmates. Then there's also this brilliant track Blue Destination that I just can not forget to mention and the list goes on..

Sucks that you have to play NG+ to access a certain scene, another down moment was the post-game if you can even call it that. THE GAME KEPT GOING LMAO. Not a huge deal though because I got to see my GOAT (you know who)..

It's a good follow-up from the first game, with some really high peaks and the final chapter as well as the epilogue had me in tears. I think I'm just too deep in and invested at this point since I've already started the next game before I even finished writing this review.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
