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14 days ago

DeoxysPrime finished Dredge
Simple, well-executed comfy/unsettling game about fishing and the existential drea(dge) that comes from being on the open water. Nails the atmosphere it's going for and doesn't overstay its welcome. I could make a few complaints about how your days are ultimately too short or the storytelling falls a little flat on its face in terms of execution (it's fairly incoherent without reading the optional notes you can find, hate when games do this), but overall none of that detracted much from my enjoyment.

You know, there really should just be more games about exploring the open ocean, but I guess too many people (wrongly) complained about Wind Waker's sailing 20 years ago so now we're stuck in this reality. Dredge, to its credit, does a stellar job of filling that niche.

14 days ago

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