Story: 9
Sound: 9
Graphics: 10
Gameplay: 10
Characters: 9
Replay Value: 10
Overall Enjoyment: 10

I give Cadillacs and Dinosaurs a STRONG 9!

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. What a mouthful of a name, yet so interesting. I've been branching out into other kinds of games recently. I'm appreciating the Sega Genesis for the first time ever, but now I'm moving into beat 'em ups. I've played a few in my life, but I heard of this hidden gem the other day.

First of all, the character selection is great. I really like playing as all four of them. Secondly, WHY DON'T MORE BEAT 'EM UPS USE GUNS?!?! I know the up-close melee is what makes the genre up, but using pistols and shotguns on these enemies was so damn cool. I love it.

The combat is slick, and I never got bored of it. The game ended and I was craving more. I'm going to replay it, probably several times. Grabs and melee jabs all felt smooth. If only we got more of the Cadillacs. There was one real level where we got to pummel enemies with one. Bummer.

The dinosaurs are sick, and yes I am biased to this game because I love dinosaurs so much. I need more dino games! The models all looked great, and the abominations that some bosses fused into were badass.

I think it helped too that I played on an arcade cabinet. I spent 7 dollars on my own machine. Not a bad bargain for the entertainment. Playing on a joystick and arcade buttons definitely added to the experience, and took me back to the 90s even though I wasn't born yet.

I'm going to do some thinking and replays of this game to see what I truly think, but in the heat of the moment, I think Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is an utter masterpiece, and easily my favorite beat 'em up/arcade game.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2024
