Man of Medan tells the tale of a group of divers who are attacked by pirates and get basically stranded on a ghost ship in the middle of nowhere. Man of Medan is often criticized for it's buggy nature and lame cutscenes but I did not encounter any of these bugs and the cutscenes were just fine, so I am about to say everything that I noticed during my playtrough.

The game is short, as it should be. It aims for a movie like feel, which I believe were captured beautifully, and the game does a real good job to let you immerse in it's world. The characters are interesting, some are harder to sympathise with but I believe that is normal.

As an interactive adventure game, there are choices, and a lots of them. Some of them are significant towards the end, some of them are giving you details about the events of the game, and some can be fatal to your character. Yes, in this game everyone can die, as each and every character's fate is in your hands.

Let me say this, knowing that anyone could die at many points throughout the story, each and every quick time event had an emotional weight behind it, and when I succeed, it was a huge relief.

I do not know why many reviewers here do not like this game, as none of them mentiones anything particular besides "it was funny" or "It was not Until Dawn". I hope the anthology's other games are not rated like this, because based on Man of Medan, these are gonna be really fun.

If you want to play a cinematic game, where you control the story and your decisions matter, play Man of Medan! It is short, looks great and fun.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
