Assassin's Creed Brotherhood follows the path that AC II started and improves upon everything I had a problem with the series. Well, almost everything.

Brotherhood features a relatively short story (I finished the game in 12 hours and I did some side stuff) that makes you love Ezio even more and as he becomes a middle aged man, his tactics and character change with him. This time around, he needs to recruit loyal assassins to help him in order to defeat the Borgias, a powerful family that captured Rome.

Brotherhood features a wide variety of missions, mostly side stuff, like a fight club, tailing missions and optional contracts for your assassins. You can also collect feathers (this time 10) and flags. Also, you can obtain an armor called the Armor of Brutus from a cult that is lurking underneath Rome. Mind you, these missions are rather short, but in higher doses you can feel the repetition. The story starts promisingly as well, and it keeps the momentum until sequence 5 arrives and everything gets ruined by weird decisions and a rushed ending.

At least, the graphics look way better as AC II looked really muddy and the characters were looking very funny at times. In Brotherhood, everything is sharp and detailed, especially the different armors. What I really loved is the refined combat, that makes sure that you will not just spam the attack button but also watch out for incoming attacks constantly.

The way the combat works in this game is both satisfying and clever, as the game introduces a better chain kill system, that allows you to kill any type of enemy with a single button in a brutal fashion, if you execute your current target. If you can keep the chain going, you are literally untouchable.

If the story wasn't as rushed as it is, I would say that this game would have been so much better in my eyes. Sadly, the ending sequences drag it down as those are not just short, but very tedious and overly long for the sake of dragging out the length of the story.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
