When Ubisoft decided to end Ezio's journey, everyone was afraid who will replace the italian womanizer. I remember seeing the setting for ACIII and the snowy environment and I instantly fell in love with the timeframe the devs have chosen for this entry. This was my first AC game, and I this is my second time replaying it.

The story of ACIII is a huge cinematic experince, full of heart and emotion, loss and hopelessness that even questions the meaning of everything. Connor as a protagonist is a great successor for Ezio as he is a much more skeptic and self-centered man, focusing on himself and his people. Connor does not seek revenge in the same vein as Ezio did, instead he seeks justice as he lives by the laws of nature, and represents both freedom and order. The writing in this game is genuinely good, the best this series had so far.

Sadly, ACIII is also a video game, that is rather buggy. I thought a game from 2012 made by major studio will not feature this amount of glitches and bugs but it was very surprising that the game was ridden with them. My game even crashed six times but the story was so good, that I did not mind them at all. Actually, there was nothing lost in terms of progress as the save system is pretty good.

Also this game has content that is varied enough that it let me have my freedom, while telling me a story that did not felt inflated. You can do the regular side missions, assassinating, killing bad guys in the streets or beating down thugs but you can also collect almanac pages, venture out with your own ship and do things around your base of operations AKA your house in the middle of nowhere. Not enough? Well, you can also hunt animals, trade, buy more weapons, find treasures and the list goes on. This is a truly packed game, which I welcomed with open arms as it achieves to make these side stuff feel organic and I did quite a lot of them actually.

The combat changed as well for the better in my opinion. Now, you can pretty much become a literal god when you encounter with enemies, because you can just one tap them and finish them off in brutal ways. These animations are very satisfying to watch, and make the combat feel fresh, even if some moves are repeated. I liked the dynamic nature of the combat, as it really feels like the combat in the Arkham games but more simple.

Now for the part that I did not like at all: Desmond Miles and his crew. Oh my god, he is so annoying in this one. His segments feel rushed and his character developed nowhere from the start of the series. He is a wisecrack guy with an attitude and his crew has this style as well. Somehow in Brotherhood, they were somewhat more tolerable but here? They almost drag this story down, so I am glad that Ubisoft decided to not force his character in future entries.

What can I say? Give this one a try with an open mind because it is not as bad as some fans make it out to be, and to be honest, this might be my favorite entry so far. The story is cinematic, the combat is satisfying, there is plenty of content and the game is not even that long.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
