Ubisoft made the strange move of releasing two Assassin's Creed titles in the same year, Unity and Rogue. Rogue concludes the "Kenway Saga", ties loose ends from Black Flag and sets the story in motion in Unity. While it is an unknown title, even to some hardcore fans of the franchise but the story of Rogue is very important.

Shay "I make my own luck" Cormac is the protagonist this time around, a former assassin who learned that the assassin's are not as mighty and fun as he thought, so he switches teams in order to stop his former mentor from destroying cities.

The story of Rogue is not that special at first, and it can fool you. You can view it essentially as a filler if you are unaware that this title ties together 3 different games and also serve as a new viewpoint to the templar vs assassin conflict.

From the gameplay standpoint, this one is much closer to Assassin's Creed 3 with elements from Black Flag that are more refined and tuned. For example the naval combat had some upgrades, the side objectives became more fun and they are just as varied as in Black Flag and you have very similar tools that can assist you.

Shay's main gadget is a silent gun that is essentially the blowpipe from the previous games. However, this gun has an attachment that can shoot out grenades that are similar to the blowpipe's poison repertoire with a wider range of effect.

What is also somewhat interesting is that you can hunt down "assassins" called stalkers, who are using the tactics that you used in the previous games. They hide in bushes, sit in benches waiting for you or even try to leap on you from the rooftops. Their presence however is not that threatening as they can be easily countered and killed.

Rogue's only problem is the length as it serves as a 6-7 hour adventure, even less if you mainly focus on the main story missions. I did some side stuff, nearly 100% percented the game, and I finished it really fast. Also, Shay is not that good as a character as he is literally just a tool, not an outstanding figure.

Still, I liked this one too and I am looking forward to play with Unity.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
