The Medal of Honor franchise was EA's answer to Call of Duty and it was a tiny bit better early on. Allied Assault and it's expansion packs were great and what followed up Allied Assault was a bunch of PS2 games, which were kind of okay or pretty great.

Pacific Assault was the long awaited return to PC, the next entry in the franchise that had such a great streak and look how they killed it. Some call the 2010 reboot the nail in the coffin when it comes to MoH, but this right here was the first nail.

Pacific Assault focuses on, you guessed it, the pacific theatre of WW2 and to be fair, MoH already dealt with this in Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, which was exclusive to PS2.

This one however was "unique", because they added squad commands, semi realistic gun fights and overall a cinematic approach portraying this war.

What makes this one a really difficult game to enjoy is the brain dumb AI that you need to deal with, because the game has a new death system. If your HP drops to zero, you faint away and you need to be picked up by a medic who has 4-5 medpacks for you, and after that it is game over.

The optimal situation would be: You start the dying process --> medic picks you up.

What normally happens is that you lie there on the ground, while the doc watches you and you die OR a soldier comes to beat you up with his rifle and then you die.

If this is not enough, the aim down sight mechanic is down right broken, you are more precise with hipfiring and the worst of all is that often times, you cannot hit the enemy because of invisible walls.

A thicker bush? A fence? You cannot hit who is behind them, because the game registers the objects as a solid surface. Combine all this and some way too long turret sections, cheesy acting and you get the worst game in this franchise by far.

Avoid Pacific Assault as much as you can. I abandoned it this time, but I played it all the way trough when I was younger and thank god that I bailed out, because I do not want to experience the plane mission all over again.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
