Medal of Honor: Airborne is the perfect game for a 3 hour gaming session, because you can literally finish it in 3 hours.

Airborne follows the footsteps of European Assault, which is probably the best MoH game out there on consoles. This is the most video gamey approach to ww2 and I am not even kidding, Airborne feels like an utter fever dream compared to the semi realistic military shooters of this era.

In Airborne, you can choose where you want to enter the map through parachuting, do objectives in any given order and rank up your guns by shooting soldiers. Each gun has 3 levels to them, making the player more motivated to use each and every piece of equipment. They are very easy to rank up and make them better, but some of the upgrades are a ted bit lackluster, and of course, some guns are better than the rest.

The locations for the missions are varied, and each mission start with a short "intro" where you wait on a plane for the green light, watch other soldiers interact with each other, and jump out. These are really varied, not just because each "intro" is getting increasingly dangerous as you progress through enemy territory, but because it gives a nice immersed feeling compared to the chaotic gameplay on the ground. However the objectives are not that varied or interesting. It is either "you need to blow xy up" or "destroy this communication equipment". Despite this, the game has a wide roster of baddies to fight against, each having different guns and behaviours to them.

The AI is not the brightest, but they always try to rush you, flank you out from your cover, throwing grenades at you and if you take out someone who is using a turret, someone will definetly try to use it again.

The only thing that I did not like is basically an enemy type, who is only using rocket launchers. They are pretty rare compared to the others, but they can very easily oneshot you.

I had great time with this game, and the fact that it can be finished in 3 hours is just an another positive aspect to it. There are many games that are too bloated for what they can offer, and there are less and less experiences, which are compact, short but pretty replayable.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
