Medal of Honor: Heroes was the second attempt at a handheld game in the franchise, and while graphically it is much more impressive than the previous entry (obviously), the gameplay is somehow worse.

Heroes campaigns are divided into 3 previous protagonists from older games. These campaigns include missions like:

Capture the flag
Collect XY, go back where you came from
Capture the flag and hold it
Capture multiple flags
Capture flags and collect points

You get the idea, the missions are bad. The enemies on the other hand, are really great at throwing grenades, because they throw so much at you, I needed to constantly check the minimap for them, because there is no other indicator of their presence.

What I like in Medal of Honor games are the visible differences between soldiers uniformwise. This is here, but it does not matter that much here to be honest, because they do not behave differently at all.

It is all too simple, too short but fun for a handheld title I guess.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2023
