This review contains spoilers

First thing: Expect Some Spoilers

Second Thing: I'll say is this, in the 8 or so hours I've played with this game (mainly just doing main/side quests with a few other things here and there) is that it's a fun time. I enjoy it, It knows that it's basically just Grand Theft Auto 2 but with horses and ♥♥♥♥ and therefore it doesn't take itself too seriously with it's referential humor (for example the stereotypical Monty Python black knight is there of course), it's take on goofy concepts (like flinging "round earthers" into the sky via trebuchet to see the shape of the Earth), and it's general throwback vibe gameplay wise. It knows what it is and is enjoyable for those who like games like that.

The worst part about this game is just general jankiness here and there, for example once or twice I would have to escape somewhere with an NPC and they would just keep walking into the back of my horse instead of actually getting on and then I would be busted. Other times I would ride a wagon and with the little stamina they give those, albeit realistic, the guards will always ride on you and damage your shit immediately. Whereas I understand that's called challenge, there would be times where I would just keep riding in circles in order for wanted posters to respawn so I could take them down (though to be fair I haven't tried bringing them to Pimp A Horse though when I tried bringing a tank through it I was told I was poor even though I had thousands of dollars worth of gold so it could just be I'm an idiot). Besides little shit like that, and a main quest shooting targets while blindfolded I had a lot of fun over these few days and if you can handle some weird jank here and there I honestly would recommend it as it's fun as hell. Also for the tank I'd say get the Da Vinci DLC too that was fun. Also hiring bards to ride on my horse while I do stuff I guess was a nice funny take on the radio station aspect of other open world crime games.

It has some funny humor
Soundtrack slaps harder than dad does
Fun gameplay

Some jank here and there

I'm sure there's some stuff I forgot to mention but honestly give this game a shot, especially if it's on sale.

From Steam Reviews:

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
